Administration Department

The Administration Department has six employees. All are trained in aspects of the daily municipal operations of the Town of Fort Kent. Employees are capable of handling real estate, personal property, and excise taxes transactions, all phases of the licensing and registration of motor and recreational vehicles; issuing of all types of licenses: marriage, dog, fishing, and hunting; collecting of water and wastewater bills, voter registration, absentee ballots, birth and death certificates and provide notary services along with many other services not listed.
Staff Directory
Suzie Paradis, Town Manager - Certified Tax Collector & Treasurer
Angela Coulombe, Certified Town Clerk-Human Resource Director
Paula Bouchard, Finance Director
Sherry Plourde, Municipal Clerk-BMV AGENT-DEPUTY CLERK
Corrinna Thibodeau, Municipal Clerk
Useful Links
Application for Absentee Voting
Personal Property Tax Commitment Book
Real Estate Tax Commitment Book
Election Results